Welcome to Morten Bjørn Larsen's UW-gallery
July - 2022
A nice surprise to come home to! 😊 One of my images of an unusually large gathering of moon jellyfish, which we saw in Denmark in 2020, won 1 place in wide angle without model, in the Nordic Championships in underwater photography. The Finish dive magazine Sukeltaja has a double spread this month with that image and a little text I wrote about the story behind the image.
Oktober - 2021
I have made a review of the Backscatter Mini Flash with snoot. Thanks a lot
June - 2021
During the times of Covid 19 many divers have spent more time in local waters than usual. The award winning international dive magazine X.Ray Magazine has picked up on the idea and is therefore looking into some destinations that normally aren't on the top of the wish list for divers around the world. In this issue they are running a big theme of what it is like to visit and dive in my home waters of Denmark. I'm excited to contribute with the Øresund & Isefjord feature!
March - 2021
While we wait for the world to open up again René Lipmann and the team from the Dutch dive magazine Duiken tempt us with stories from incredible dive destinations. For the latest edition, they have brought life back to my 2018 Sardine Run article. Thanks for a nice layout and of course the Cover Shot! 👌😊 #kingfishdk
June - 2020
Excited to have picture of the month in the Swedish dive magazine, Sport Dykaren. Thanks a lot Lelle Malmström!
April - 2020
I’m really happy to see my orca feature (text & images) in the Swedish dive magazine, Sport Dykaren, this month. #kingfishdk www.kingfish.dk/expeditions
March - 2020
My Orca Land feature from an absolutely amazing trip to arctic Norway is out in the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren - spiced up with a cover shot 😊
February - 2020
My Bali feature is out in Sweden in the February issue of Sport Dykaren. Thanks a lot Lelle Malmström for a great looking layout!
November - 2019
Very nice to see my Bali feature in DIVER! Wonderful memories that keeps me warm in the Danish winter. See more in the Indonesia folder.
September - 2019
A surprise cover on this months Sportsdykkeren. I shot this in Kalanggaman Island close to Malapascua in the Philipphines
May - 2019
Next chapter in my little Danish wrecks encyclopedia is out in Sportsdykkeren now. Hven Prammen is a favorite wreck of mine in Øresund - the strait between Denmark and Sweden.
March - 2019
I’m happy to continue my little Danish wrecks’ encyclopedia (text&photos) in the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren!
January - 2019
The greatest show on earth is out in all of Scandinavia - thrilled to have my Sardine Run article (photos & text) in both the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren, the Norwegian dive magazine Dykking and the Swedish Sport Dykaren in the same month 😀
Thanks for great layouts by Henrik Blume Pontoppidan, Christian Skauge and Lelle Malmström
And special thanks to Mads Odgaard and Andreas Døring from Kingfish Dive & Travel for arranging and running a fantastic trip!
September - 2018
The German dive magazine UNTERWASSER has a section about favorite dive sites in Europe. I'm honoured that they asked me.
August - 2018
I’m very glad to have this little wreck encyclopedia from a local wreck dive published in the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren.
July - 2018
Great surprise today when I got the new edition of the Swedish dive magazine Sportsdykaren. My first non-Danish cover shot.
June - 2018
I’m delighted to have contributed with images to
Francesca Virdis
article in Quest magazine, about the great work she and the rest of the Coral Restoration Foundation is doing for healthier reefs around Bonaire!
May - 2018
As a Scandinavian it’s really nice to have my Bonaire article in both the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren and the Norwegian dive magazine DYKKING this month. Spiced up with a cover shot on Sportsdykkeren.
(cover shot on Dykking by
Tobias Friedrich
April - 2018
A little Caribbean weather just arrived in Copenhagen. I’m delighted to have my Bonaire article (text+images - 4 pages) published in the British dive magazine DIVER this month.
A folder with images is on the way.
September - 2017
I have a little feature (text + images) about my “house reef” Munkholmbroen (45 min. from home) in this month’s edition of Sportsdykkeren
March - 2017
Honouring the late Rob Stewart with a wall of sharks at Wetpixel 🦈 Well done Adam Hanlon I'm pleased to be part of it!
January - 2017
I'm very pleased to have two articles in the new edition of the Norwegian dive magazine DYKKING. The Critter Shootout (text + two images) and my feature from the Azores (text & all images) Thanks a lot Christian Skauge! Great layout!
October - 2016
The Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren has started a new portfolio series. I'm honored to be the starter!
September - 2016
The German dive magazine Tauchen has a very nice feature about the Critter Shootout in the September issue. I'm happy to have contributed with two images!
August - 2016
The Critter Shootout in print! It is very nice to see my Critter Shootout article in the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren (5 pages). Thanks a lot for contributing with images, Greg Sherman, Richard Charlton, Johan Bjørklund, Atle Ove Martinussen, Rune Edvin Haldorsen, Nick More, Bjørnar Nygård, Wayne Mac Williams and Luc Rooman.
June - 2016
I have taken the photos for Anna-Marie Christiansen's article about freediving techniques in the new issue of the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren. Very nice layout
May - 2016
I'm very glad to see my Azores feature (text & images) in the British dive magazine: DIVER.
January - 2016
I'm thrilled to have the cover shot on the latest issue of the Danish dive magazine, Sportsdykkeren, followed by my four page article (text & photos) about diving in the Azores.
October - 2015
Super cool to have my portfolio in the new edition of the Croatian dive magazine ScubaLife!
September - 2015
I was on assingment in the Azores making an artikel about the diving from Pico Island
July - 2015
When the British dive magazine DIVER - Britain's Best-Selling Diving Magazine asked me (and I'm chuffed they did) about my favorite liveaboard for their liveaboard speciel in the July edition, I chose Hande in the Mediterranean.
June - 2015
I'm happy to have a 4 page article in the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren about a concept called Captain Crab and the Seastars in Gulen - Norway where kindergarden teachers take care of the children while their parents can go diving together. For more info: http://www.gulendiveresort.com/
See images in the Captain Crab folder
May - 2015
Wow! I have a seven page article about Corsica in the British dive magazine SCUBA this month. Thanks to Simon Rogerson and his team for a very nice layout!
More info about diving Corsica: http://www.capogalera.com/
See images in the Corsica folder
April -2015
My image from the Under Water Photographer of the year competition is displayed with the other winning images at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth, England. This is a prestigious placement for the competition as they will be seen by over 200,000 people in the next 12 months. Wow!
March - 2015
I'm very happy that my underwater photos accompanied Alexander Kassler's text and topside photos in the German dive magazine Unterwasser's Italy theme in the March issue.
March 2015 -
The British dive magazine DIVER has a very nice 10 page spread covering The Underwater Photographer og the year competition :-)
March 2015 - I have contributed with two images in the Croatian dive magazine Scuba life in an article about the 4 x world champion in freediving Stig Åvall Severinsen. Very nice magazine! http://www.scubalife.hr/
March 2015 - The winning images from the international underwater photo competition, Underwater Photographer of the Year, are here presented on the website of the American newspaper The Washington Post.
February 2015 - Made it to the Guardian's website :-) The winning images from the international underwater photo competition, Underwater Photographer of the Year, are here presented on the website of the British newspapaer The Guardian.
February 2015 - I'm humble, proud and very happy that my photo "Bottoms up" placed third in the Wide Angle International category in the Under Water Photographer of the year competition! Yesterday I was in London to have my image presented on stage at the London International Dive Show. The competition received 2500 entries from under water photographers from 40 countries around the world. A big thanks to Alex Mustard, Peter Rowlands and Martin Edge for their huge effort in making this who...le thing work! Also a big thanks to Dan Bolt for building the website: http://www.underwaterphotographeroftheyear.com/2015results.aspx Here is the official judge comment about my image: "In every photography competition there is usually one unique image that stands out from the crowd, and this is it. " In truth, the initially positive effect of such an eye-catching image can fade when viewed more. This shot, however, keeps growing."
February 2015 - It
was nice to find the new edition of the Norwegian dive magazine DYKKING in the
mailbox today. I have a 7 page article about the concept Captain Crab and the
Seastars in Gulen, Norway, where kindergarden teachers play with the children
while their parents can go diving together.
See images in the Captain Crab folder.
January 2015 - I'm happy to say that my cooperation with 4x World Champion in freediving, Stig Severinsen, has once again resulted in some very nice displays of three of my underwater photos! This time in Stigs 2015 calendar: http://www.breatheology.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/BreatheologyCalendar-2015.pdf
December 2014 - I'm glad to have contributed with 5 underwater photos in Johanna Strømgrens article in the Swedish dive magazine Sportdykaren, about the Captain Crab and the Seastars event in Gulen - Norway. It is my first publication in Sportdykaren so I'm really happy about it! I will wait a while with making a folder with photos from the event, as my own article (text & photos) will be in the Norwegian dive magazine Dykking, and the Danish dive magazine Sportsdykkeren in the first months of 2015.
October 2014 - I'm very happy to have contribited with a photo (Stig Åvall Severinsen swimming backwards over corals), in the non profit Project Third World magazine!
September 2014 - I'm pleased to have the cover shot and a 5 page article from Corsica in the new edition of the Danish Dive Magazine Sportsdykkeren!
August 2014 - I'm happy to have contributed with four photos in Morten Rosenvold Villadsens new book about freediving. Good Work by Morten! http://undervandsitetet.dk/hold-vejret-bog-fridykning/#1
July 2014 - On assignment in Gulen-Norway with my wife and daughter making an article about a new family concept that Gulen Dive Center is starting.
June 2014 - On assignment in Corsica making an article about diving on Corsicas east coast. The whole week was onboard the very nice boat Hande. The boat is operated by Capo Galera Diving Center: http://www.capogalera.com/default.aspx?ver=en
April 2014 - I'm pleased to have been asked to have some of my Photos on display at: http://www.scubashooters.net/
January 2014 - I was pleased to be invited by the Danish Sports Diving Federations underwater-photo-section to speak about the Nudibranch Safari in Gulen - Norway and how I made the article that came out of it. I also told about my participation in last year’s Underwater Photo Contest MIMA in Costa Brava - Spain
December 2013 - One of my photos is in Casper Tybjerg's new book about how to control both natural and artificial light in photography. Casper is the Danish Nikon ambassador and runs his own photo company called Tybjerg Text & Photo: http://www.ttf.dk/English/Home.aspx
November 2013 - Article about Stig Åvall Severinsens incredible new world record at Red Bull adventure.com including one of my photos of Stig in the Red Sea.
October 2013 - I'm pleased to have two photos - one from Egypt and one from Thailand - in Peter Leidersdorffs new book DYKKERBOGEN. The book (in Danish) is about some of the best diving around the world. Very nice work by Peter!!! Please visit Peters web-site: www.koralrev.dk
October 2013 - I've made a review of my Sola focus light for my friend and UW-photo gear dealer Lars Stenholt Kirkegaard. You can read it here (it's in Danish) at Lars Kirkegaards web-site: http://blog.fotografit.eu/review-focus-light.html
October 2013 - Nice article by Henrik Blume Pontoppidan in Sportsdykkeren (Danish Dive Mag) about this years MIMA Under Water Festival. Illustrated with my photos from the competition.
September 2013 - I'm very happy to have my Sardinia article (four pages) in the British dive magazine DIVER!!! See photos in the Sardinia folder.
August 2013 - I'm really happy to have the cover shot on this month issue of Sportsdykkeren (The Sportsdiver - Danish dive mag.) Followed by my Nudibranch Safari article. See photos in the Nudibranch Safari folder
June 2013 - I've just returned from the underwater photo competition MIMA in Spain. I didn't finnish in the top, but I had heaps of fun and learned a lot!!! It was a splash-in competition with six categories spread over just four dives. -fauna -envir ...onment -environment with model -open topic -mediterranean wrasse -macro
Follow this link for the winning photos: http://www.facebook.com/mimamedes?fref=ts
See the competition photos and a few more in the MIMA folder.
March 2013 - I have a photo of Stig Åvall Severinsen in a new show airing April 22nd on the National Geographic Channel. :-)
January 2013 - I'm pleased to have won the macro category in the underwater photo contest at Copenhagen Dive Show :-) http://dyk.dk/nyheder/vinderne-fundet
January 2013 - I'm happy to have my Nudibranch Safari article in the British dive magazine DIVER! You can see the photos in the Nudibranch Safari folder.
December 2012 - Photo in Men's Journal in an article about the 4 X World Champion Stig Åvall Severinsen. http://www.mensjournal.com/
November 2012 - Back from a great RSPE II (Red Sea Photo Expedition) Read about it and see photos in the RSPE II folder.
November 2012 - Photos in X-RAY MAG. In the article about the 4x WC in freediving Stig Severinsen. http://www.xray-mag.com/content/x-ray-mag-51
November 2012 - Got shortlisted in a temperate water wrecks competition, at an underwater wreck photography site on Facebook! :-)
October 2012 - Got shortlisted in a Black & White competition at an Underwater Wreck Photography site on Facebook. :-)
October 2012 - Really happy to have a photo amongst the 101 chosen photos to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the macro photographers group.
July 2012 - I got in the 100 LIKES Hall of Fame at Macro Photographers - cool!
June 2012 - The third coastal encyclopedia (local Danish divesites) in a row in the Scandinavian Dive Magazine DYK.
June 2012 - Two articles in the Norwegian Dive Magazine Dykking. One from Lanzarote (which I made for DYK last year), and the Nudibranch Safari article I made for Dykking in March.
May 2012 - Got a photo in top 10 at Macro photographers last month - very nice! http://www.uwmacrophotographers.com/eNews/eNews_Issue4_iPad.pdf
May 2012 - I'm happy to have been included (as the first Dane) in Giorgio Cavalaros website of underwater photographers from around the world!!! :-) http://uwphotographers.blogspot.it/2012/05/uwp-morten-bjorn-larsen.html
May 2012 - In the scandinavian dive magazine DYKs series of local Danish divesites (Coastal encyclopedia), they have used one I've made from Klintebjerget in the May edition.
April 2012 - The scandinavian dive magazine DYK has again launched their series of local Danish dive sites. And started out with one I made about diving in the lake Furesoen.
March 2012 - On assignment for the Norwegian Dive Magazine DYKKING in Gulen - Norway
October 2011 - Article in the Norwegian dive magazine DYKKING about the uw-photo course I did for a group of beginners in the Red Sea back in November 2009. See the UW-photo course folder.
October 2011 - Workshop for the freelancers of DYK magazine in Lysekil - Sweden.
May/June 2011 - On assignment in Lanzarote for the Scandinavien Dive magazine DYK.
June 2011 - Article in The Scandinavian Dive magazine DYK about the diving in Malapascua, the Philippines.
May 2011 - Article in the Scandinavian dive magazine DYK about the uw-photo course I did for a group of beginners in the Red Sea back in November 2009.
April 2011 - I was with Danish Nikon ambassador Casper Tybjerg on a liveaboard in the Red Sea to teach a group of nature photographers about uw-photography.
March 2011 - I did a theory and a pool lection on flash techniques in Kingklub (dive club in Kingfish).
September 2010 - I was lucky to win the bronze medal in the Danish National Championship in uw-photography :-)
August 2010 - Article about the diving at Alghero in Sardinia published in the Scandinavian dive magazine DYK.
May 2010 - I was on assignment for the Scandinavian dive magazine DYK checking out the diving near Alghero in Sardinia.
April 2010 - This photo that I took at Stig Åvall Severinsen's Guinness World Record breath hold attempt in the shark tank at Kattegatcentret was selected amongst photos of the week at Assosiated Press. It was printed in South Africa, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Denmark and a string of other newspapers around the world.
April 2010 - The four time World Champion, Stig Åvall Severinsen, asked me to be uw-photographer at his Guinness World Record breath hold attempt in the shark tank at Kattegatcentret.
February 2010 - My portfolio was in the Scandinavian dive magazine DYKs February issue.
November 2009 - I was invited by Rasmus Dysted from Kingfish Dive & Travel to assist him on a uw-photo course in the Red Sea for a group of beginners.
October 2009 - I'm pleased to say that the Danish Sportsdiving Federation has chosen one of my group photos from the Freediving WC-09 as cover shot for their Oct/Nov Issue.
October 2009 - The scandinavian dive magazine: DYK also chose one of my photos from the freediving WC - 09 as cover shot for their October Issue.
August 2009 - I was uw-photographer at the World Championships in freediving (pool diciplines) in Aarhus Denmark
July 2009 - My oceanic white tip shark photo made it to the final in BSoUPs (British Society of Underwater Photographers) annual underwater photo competition and was displayed at the London Aquarium for three months :-)
February 2009 - I did an assignment for the Danish TV station DR 1. They wanted some still photos to promote the program Ha' det godt.
September 2008 - I was uw-photographer at the team freediving World Championships in Egypt-