The whole group : coming from India, England, N.Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Holland & USA.
Mikkel Noe-Nygaard - Elphinstone Reef.
A couple of Nemos blinded by Lars Kirkegaard
Mikkel Noe-Nygaard - Elphinstone Reef
Morten Beier - Abu Galawa Soraya (Fury Shoal) Magic Filter
A typical Red Sea moment
(Magic Filter)
Morten Beier - St.John's Caves
Morten Beier - St.John's caves
Morten Beier - St.John's caves
Some Oceanic white tips...Juuuust a little to the left of Elphinstone reef
BBC wildlife photographer of the year 2008 Fergus Kennedy, getting up close and personal with Ms. Longimanus
Every day Alex gave two lectures... This photo was taken with a Nikon D700 - f4,5 at 1/25s (no flash). But the reason why I couldent have taken this photo, with my D200, is the the high ISO with no noise on the D700 - In this photo ISO 3200
Lars Kirkegaard (Middle) giving ideas to Morten Beier (left) and my roommate Jan Krogh.
My new gear...... naaah I wish ;)
Alex Mustard UV-Photoworkshop 7/11 - 14/11 - 08. Camara : Nikon D200, Lenses Nikon 12-24, Nikon 105 VR. Macro. Flashguns: 2 x Sea&Sea YS110.... Blue water Magic Filters. Housing: Sea&Sea.
The whole group : coming from India, England, N.Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Holland & USA.
Mikkel Noe-Nygaard - Elphinstone Reef.
A couple of Nemos blinded by Lars Kirkegaard
Mikkel Noe-Nygaard - Elphinstone Reef
Morten Beier - Abu Galawa Soraya (Fury Shoal) Magic Filter
A typical Red Sea moment
(Magic Filter)
Morten Beier - St.John's Caves
Morten Beier - St.John's caves
Morten Beier - St.John's caves
Some Oceanic white tips...Juuuust a little to the left of Elphinstone reef
BBC wildlife photographer of the year 2008 Fergus Kennedy, getting up close and personal with Ms. Longimanus
Every day Alex gave two lectures... This photo was taken with a Nikon D700 - f4,5 at 1/25s (no flash). But the reason why I couldent have taken this photo, with my D200, is the the high ISO with no noise on the D700 - In this photo ISO 3200
Lars Kirkegaard (Middle) giving ideas to Morten Beier (left) and my roommate Jan Krogh.
My new gear...... naaah I wish ;)
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